Sonny Shiley Volunteer of the Year Award
This award was established in 2010 by the Adult Care Center Board of Directors to commemorate Sonny Shiley, a former Adult Care Center Board member, and friend to the Center for many years. Sonny passed away in 2010 and it is our honor to have a plaque on the Center’s wall bearing his name, paying tribute to the very special person he was. The award is presented at the Center’s Annual Lunch N Bid fundraiser held the first Sunday in June.

“Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it…That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.” -Rick Warren

2022/2023 Varina ‘Vee’ Tavenner – Vee is formidable in making a huge difference in the lives of people around her. With talent, intelligence, thoughtfulness, generosity, and an incredible giving spirit, she has given so much to so many. Whether she is leading a meeting, running to pick up donations, brainstorming, prepping for the next fundraiser, or sending donation request emails in between playing with her grandbabies, we are fortunate to have her in our corner!

2020/2021 Rosalie Lewis – Rosalie has served as Secretary on our Board of Directors since 2018. She fills in multiple hours helping at the Center when an extra hand is needed. Be it help with nursing, training staff, or activities. Rosalie played a key role in the Center being able to re-open in July by screening our staff and clients at the door each morning. She is an advocate for our cause and is a thoughtful supporter of Center fundraising in every way. We have the good fortune of having Rosalie in our corner. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to make the Center great!

2019 Thomas Turner – Thomas has served on the Adult Care Center Board of Directors since 2009. He is a professor of Physical Therapy at Shenandoah University, and he and his wife Katie have two children. Thomas leads our monthly meetings with efficiency, and poise that makes one sit back and say, “I’m glad I’m here”. He is at Jane’s side when she presents proposals, and when those proposals are rewarded with a check presentation. It’s a busy life, which makes us that much more appreciative of his decision to serve as our Board President through 2020! Thank you, Thomas, for your dedication, hard work, and commitment over the years. The Center is so grateful for your service.

2018 Linda Shimer– Linda is an extremely active member of the Adult Care Center Board of Directors. She chairs the fundraising Committee, and along with her colleagues, is instrumental in raising dollars for the Adult Care Center, and generating awareness in our community of Adult Care Center services. Linda helps at the Center each and every Thusday morning for a music program, and attends every other Friday to help with the intergenerational program. It is highly likely to see Linda on the dance floor with our participants kicking up her heels and always, always, always, with a smile on her face.

2017 Marilyn Heath– Marilyn started volunteering with us in 2013. She is our go-to for delectable desserts and puts on a one-of-a-kind tea party for our ladies and gentlemen every Tuesday morning. Her tea parties come complete with fine china, an assortment of delightfully smelling teas, and there are always savory cookies on the table. We appreciate her enthusiasm to help our participants and our staff.

2016 Kerri Burkhart– Kerri has been with the Adult Care Center Board of Directors for 17 years. She served as the Board’s Treasurer until 2018. Kerri donates countless hours to the Center throughout the year, and is a strong supporter of all fundraising events. Thank you, Kerri for your years of service and commitment.

2015 Diane & Chris Shipe –Chris & Diane came to know the Center for personal reasons. Diane, who has a Ph.D. in health administration, was asked to serve on the Board, she jumped in with both feet and made significant progress in a variety of areas. She served as Fundraising Chair, Board Secretary, and Board President during her nine years. Diane still volunteers her time weekly. Chris has supported the Center both through Loudoun Mutual Insurance and personally, through annual donations he and Diane make to the Center. Thank you to the both of them for their years of commitment to the Center.

2014 Marilyn Hamilton, RN – Marilyn started volunteering as an activity aid with the Center in 2002. A Chemist by trade, Marilyn knew, after a few years, she could bring more to her volunteer position and returned to school to obtain her RN, BSN degree. In 2010, Marilyn received her RN license and began sharing duties as an Adult Care Center Nurse – all while refusing a paycheck! What an incredible gift to us year-after-year, and an obvious choice for the 2014 Sonny Shiley Volunteer of the Year Award!

2013 Louisa Poulin, RN- Louisa, RN, has a rich history with the Center. A former employee and Assistant Director, Louisa comes back to volunteer her time as a Center nurse, a horticulture specialist, and a personal friend to us all. A standout in nursing school, and a compassionate advocate for persons with cognitive impairment, we’re honored to have her with us, and to award her our 2013 Sonny Shiley Volunteer of the Year.

2012 Ron Paget – Ron was a caregiver to his wife, a former participant at the Adult Care Center. After she passed, Ron said “I’m going to wait a year, and then I’d like to come and volunteer.” True to his word, after a year, Ron came and signed up to volunteer three afternoons a week. For a brief time, Ron was hired to fill in for a staff member on maternity leave! During Ron’s time with us, he helped with activities, took participants for walks, repaired furniture, checked our tires, started our batteries, gave fatherly and brotherly advice, – you name it…he would do it. With hearts full of gratitude and love, we thank you, Ron for the time and friendship you gave us!

2011 Braddock Street United Methodist Church – The Adult Care Center moved to BSUMC in February of 1994 and began full-time operation. The Center primarily ran out of one room until 2000 when we added another room. During this time, the church offered this space as well as use of the office duplicating machine at no charge. Around 2006, we added another room to have office space. We began making a small contribution to the church. We stayed at BSUMC until March 5, 2012. Without a doubt, the ACC owes, in part, it’s existance, to BSUMC. Braddock Street United Methodist Church gave us our foundation, and then it gave us our wings.

2010 Linwood DeHaven– Linwood served on our Board of Directors for 10 years after his Mom, our very first full-time participant passed. He was Vice-President from 1995-1996, and President from 1997-1999. When Linwood’s Board terms ended, he volunteered at the Center at least 2 days a week, and supported our efforts in whatever way he could. We miss Linwood terribly, but he has left wonderful, lasting memories for all who crossed his path.