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To the Adult Care Center,

I cannot thank you enough for the incredible experience given when my group was visiting on Wednesday.  Interacting with the incredible adults at the center was an eye-opening opportunity, and it would be an honor to volunteer again someday.  This letter isn’t addressed to anyone in particular because everyone in the center – including the clients – make the center an amazing and welcoming environment.  Thank you again so much, and I wish you all the best in future business and endeavors.


Isabelle Sharman

Student at Shenandoah University


The center is very helpful in allowing the people to feel like they belong and still have a sense of freedom. My father looks forward to going every day and feels like heis doing something important.

It gives the family freedom and a feeling of relief to know they are being taken care of and are safe. It allows the family to work their jobs with peace of mind and to carry on with family matters.

We cannot say enough good things about the people who work there and the volunteers that make everything go so smoothly. Everyone makes my father feel so welcome every time he goes. He really likes all the people and looks forward to going.

I personally want to thank everyone for all of the fine care that they give my father.

Cynthia L. Campbell


Sometimes I think I’m going crazy, even though it is my Dad who has dementia. Thank goodness for the Adult Care Center here in Winchester. It has been good for both my Dad and me.

He has been attending the Center for 2 years. Before that, his day basically consisted of sitting in his chair, with his dog, and doing some reading. Mostly he slept in his chair. He had very little social interaction beyond my husband and myself. He sometimes said socially inappropriate things. He was reaching the point that he didn’t want to go out, and I couldn’t leave him alone with any peace of mind.

I needed a place he could go where his brain would be stimulated, where he’d have some company, where he’d have to move around for a bit of physical activity, and where I’d be comfortable leaving him while I did the things I needed to do. The ACC answered those needs far beyond my  expectations.  He had people his own age, as well as an enthusiastic staff to laugh and talk with; he had some other men to hang out with; he got some exercise walking up and down the hall, and he enjoyed some activities – particularly those related to food. It gave him something to look forward to two days a week. Most importantly, it turned out to be far more than just a babysitting service. The activities and routine are carefully planned to make it a warm, loving, and also a therapeutic environment that helps my Dad and the other participants maintain mental, physical, and social skills as much as possible.

Now, my Dad’s disease has advanced and he is much more difficult to deal with. Simple daily activities like getting up out of bed, going to the bathroom, or taking a shower are routinely a fight. Instructions and information have to be repeated several times. I am constantly amazed at the endless patience of the ACC staff in working with my Dad. I have been there as a volunteer for 4 and 5 hour stretches at a time and I’ve seen the staff in action. My Dad’s disease has progressed more slowly than what I read is typical; some of that I’ll credit to medication, but I’ll also credit some to music therapy, art therapy, horticulture activities and all the other things that go on each day.


The staff takes care of me too. I’ve cried on Jane’s shoulder more than once and she has listened and offered advice when I needed to pour out my frustration. I know Dana, the nurse, looks me over with the eye of a nurse as well as the eye of a friend. Jocelyn, a music therapist, has me on what I call my “stress reduction treatments": in her chair. I receive support in various was from each one of the staff (and hope I provide them with support too) in working with my Dad and dealing with the moments of frustration.

-- Diane Shipe  


In Praise of Adult Care Center


     My wife and I have lived here in the Shenandoah Valley for 23 years.  In 2006, my wife was diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s disease.  Her demands steadily worsened and in March of 2011, she started attending the Adult Care Center of the Shenandoah Valley.

     This provided her with interaction with others and gave me time to get chores done.  They have “clients” of all levels of dementia, and of different ages.  Their staff has the most caring attitude I could ever hope for.

     My wife responded very well to the music therapy, the aroma therapy, the interactions with “grandkids” (children visiting from their day-care center), and the love from the staff and volunteers at the center.

    We will be leaving the Valley for a retirement home in Maryland nearer our children.  It was a significant decision on my part; the most worrisome part was finding a day-care center that compares to the current one.  I dread that I may be pulling my wife out of such a great environment for something unknown.

    I’m writing this letter in hopes of encouraging others in a similar situation to not hesitate to try the day-care center.  The address for the center is 411 N. Cameron St. (the second block north of Piccadilly Street) in Winchester.  The phone number is 540-722-2273.

     We will be missing everyone.

                                                           Tom Adkins

                                                            Stephens City

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